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ATHENS 3x CAC CACIB 10-11-12.10.2014

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ATHENS 3x CAC CACIB 10-11-12.10.2014

Athens 3 x CACIB Show 10-11-12/10/2014

Οι επιτυχιες του Akita's Land ( American Akita) στην τριπλη εκθεση μορφολογιας του ΚΟΕ

1'st DAY :Mynyddhaf's King of the Ring : CAC, CACIB, BOB, 2nd BOG

               American Akitas House Amanda : CAC , CACIB

2'nd DAY: Mynyddhaf's King of the Ring : CAC,CACIB, BOB, 2nd BOG

                American Akitas House Amanda : RCAC, RCACIB

3'd DAY: Mynyddhaf's King of the Ring : CAC, CACIB , CRUFTS QUALIFIQATION 2015

              American Akitas House Amanda : CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOG. CRUFTS QUALIFIQATION 2015

Read 7492 times Last modified on %PM, %03 %797 %2015 %18:%Feb